Saturejka's puns

is the name of my long-term project, which presents a series of playful linocuts, illustrating all kinds of puns (author's or others'), that arise spontaneously. For short period, an important part of the project was the installation of prints in various streets of Bratislava, with the main goal of disrupting the urban stereotype and bringing printmaking closer to the general public. Since then, you could see my puns in the Axioma cafe on Lazaretská street in Bratislava, at the Grafix exhibition in Nova Cvernovka or in the Nedbalka Gallery Cafe. The series currently consists of over thirty motifs and its number is still growing.


You can join my project too! All you have to do is write your favorite pun here. If I decide to illustrate and print your text, you will receive one fresh print for free!

"Rezeň z Azkabanu", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2024

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"Melír modrou", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2024

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"Obetavé menu", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2024

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"Pozor! Nos v podniku...", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2023

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"Svetlo na konci tuleňa", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2021

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"Je toto mužné?", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Sysel môjho života", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Potrebujem svojho avokáda!", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Najťažšia tapeta môjho života", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Nech sa páči, vaše kečupínko", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Melír modrou", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2024


"Milujem ťa najviac na svetle", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Pozor padá omeletka", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2017

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"Na návšteve ustrica", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Zápas slnka", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2021

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"Moje srdce pije pre teba", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2023

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"Nahota neexistuje", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Potiaci sa slamky chytá", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Kult makového slíža", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"lekvar", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Človek s velkým legom", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Vezmeš si ma smaženú?", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2018

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"Troska v majonéze", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Krysa stredného veku", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2022

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"Anna Korenina", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2021

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"Kolóna vírus", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2020

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"Keks v meste", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Kanec s vlkmi", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2020

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"Preskočila medzi nami ikra", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Som z toho na hrášky...", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Dramatické chyby", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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"Dva a pol chleba", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2023

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"sd", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2023

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"Bol si s tým už u lekvára", linocut,
14,5 x 14,5cm, 2019

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photos: Nina Vidovencová
